Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, November 19, 2021
RE World Ending
News Report Te Reo Maori
Kia ora this is a News Report in Te Reo Maori our goal is to make a News Report in Te Reo Maori there will probably be a little difficulties in it. but I really hope you like it.
How much Te Reo Maori can you say?Friday, November 5, 2021
Probability Maths
Kia ora this is my maths of probability this is a tree diagram of a pizza we had to work the toppings on the pizza then we had to work out the percentages and fractions. I hope you liked my poster of probability.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
House of bricks
My favourite Lego activity was the racing cars because we could test if it was slow or fast my buddy and I added wings it was easier with a partner we had free time after and played dodgeball.
My least favourite Lego activity was the towers because the is lots of bricks that we can use
The activity that tested my perseverance the most was because sharing the bricks around
The most challenging activity was the bricks that we had to change around because we didn´t know what they where building and it was very difficult.
I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because it was very fun building bricks with them and that it was very difficult trying to build the patterns.
What is was your favourite part of it?
Thursday, October 21, 2021
My Maths
Kia ora this is my maths of three different types of goals there's round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000, round decimals to the nearest whole number and then there's count forwards and backwards in 1 /2, 1 /4, 1 /3, 1 /5 1 /10's. I hope you like it.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Amazing Hobbies
Kia ora,
My name is Alex and this week we have been learning about hobbies.
One of my favourite Hobbies is biking.
I have made a Slideshow about My Hobbies and other hobbies. Hope you Enjoy!
What is your favourite hobby?
Thursday, September 9, 2021
About Type 1 Diabetes
Kia ora this is my health about type 1 diabetes it tells you about it, what happened to me, what happens now, why i got diabetes and my health now. I have to do this for the rest of my life. I hope you like it.
My health
What its about
When we eat food some of it breaks down into sugar. The sugar goes around the blood. The body notices there is sugar and sends a message to an organ in the body called the pancreas which produces something called insulin which is the key which lets the sugar into all the cells in the body. If there is no insulin the sugar can’t get in the cells so it leaves the body in your urine.
What Happened To Me
Around six months ago something happened to me and my body started attacking the cells that produce insulin, so my body stopped producing insulin. My body handled it for a while till I started to get very sick during lockdown. My symptoms were that I was very hungry and thirsty, and I was peeing lots even during the night. I was losing lots of weight and I was very tired and lethargic. My mum checked my sugar levels in my blood by pricking my finger and then I had to pee in a pottle and she checked how much sugar was in my pee, and it was very high. The sugar in my blood was high too. So then we had to go to the Emergency Department where they told me that I had Type 1 Diabetes. I stayed in hospital on the seventh floor in the children's ward for 2 nights. We learned a lot about diabetes.
What Happens Now
I have to count carbs in my meals and I have to give myself two different types of insulin by injecting it in my stomach. I have to have my Novorapid three times a day before every meal (breakfast, Lunch and dinner) and Lantus once a day before dinner. I have a sensor on my arm which I scan with my scanner that tells me my glucose levels (which are my sugar levels). We then count the carbs in my meals and use the grid to work out how much units of insulin I need to
Why Did I Get Diabetes?
Nobody knows why people get Type 1 diabetes. Sometimes its because there is a family history, but not in my family. So I was just unlucky. Because I have it, my brothers and sisters and their children are more likely to get Type 1 diabetes - 5 times more likely. Now because of me there is a family history. You can’t catch diabetes from me, it is not contagious.
My Health Now
I feel better now because I am having insulin. I can eat most foods just not most sugary lollies and no fizzy drinks unless it has zero sugar. I can have no carb foods - Edam and colby cheese, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, ham, leftover chicken, cold meat, salami, a teaspoon of peanut butter, avocado, egg, marmite. For my morning and afternoon tea I have to have foods less than 10 g of carbs like - a couple of plain biscuits, 2 cups of plain popcorn, one slice of sandwich bread with a free topping, 3 crackers, up to 6 rice crackers, one pikelet, a pottle of yogurt, a le snak, or a small banana.
This is what I have to do for the rest of my life unless they find a cure.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Magnificent Middle Template
Kia ora this is my custom medal for New Zealand if we ever had a Olympics but we probably won't because we're too small. But we have entered the Winter Olympics. I hope you really like my poster of the medals.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Kia ora This is blog post about a short film called Umbrella This is the Goal: use a range of written features to engage the audience, use simple and compound sentences with a variety of beginnings, lengths and structures, use some complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest & ensure that most writing is grammatically correct.. I hope you like it.
Just before darkness fell from the night sky, The door to Miss Elem’s Home For Children opened wide. The girl with the neon yellow umbrella, nervously entered the orphanage before finding a place for the yellow umbrella. Not wanting to be seen Boris quickly peered his head around the door frame so that he was hidden from view. Standing off to the side the girl observed the glorious scene while the children searched in the box for loving treasures. The girl smiled while she was watching the young boy flying around the room like a very fast race car. Her smile quickly disintegrated as she looked back at the umbrella stand and all she saw were little tiny puddles. Her dearest admiring umbrella had been snatched!
Could you find the simile in my writing?
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Margaret Mahy Trip
Town Trip
On Thursday me and my hub went to Margaret Mahy playground at 9:30 and lined up we started to look at the traditional māori mats.
The same person wove the mats. There were 13 of them and we only could look at 3 of them. After we went to go on the waka. First we could play then they had to call us in and there were two boats we went second and we where saying hi ha hi ha and we turned around alot. At the end we singed E minaka ana but then we had to get off. We went to Victoria Square with Mrs Brown and we looked at the statues of James Cook and Queen Victoria there where lots of water fountains there was fountains that looked like a dandelion. There was a water fountain that shoots water out of it a few times. Then we looked at the pous. The pous talked about what happened in the māori times. Then we went back to Mrs Carney she talked about the stories. We had to do a treasure hunt around Margaret Mahy playground then we went to trace the māori stories written around the playground. We feed the eels after that and one of them nibbled and pulled the cat food off the spoon.
My favourite part of the trip was feeding the Eels because the two Eels where fighting to get the cat food but one of them nibble the cat food of the spoon.
Something I learnt was that I didn’t know that the māori people used the waka to trade at the market.
The thing I found the most interesting was that I didn’t know that female eels are bigger then male and they don’t know there gender till they're 10 years old.
This trip has helped me with my P.B.L because I learnt a lot about Margaret Mahy playground and it made me more interested in Margaret Mahy playground and made me want to go there more often.
What was your favourite part of the trip?
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Magnificent Motor Vehicles
Kia ora this is my facts of motor vehicles and little tiny vehicles and it tells you how to become a race car driver. Hope you liked reading about my facts of motor vehicles.
Stunning Strategies
Friday, June 11, 2021
Awesome Strategies
Kia ora this is my strategies of compensating, doubling & halving and Place value. Hope enjoy my drawing about compensating, doubling & halving and Place value do you think I should do more questions.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Magnificent Pick-A-Path
Hi this is my Pick -a-path of times tables they,re probably easy times tables. I Put in 4 Questions, Hope you get them all Right!
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Wondrous Whakataukī
Kia ora My name is Alex and this is my whakataukī you probably don't know what it is. A whakataukī is a proverb it is usually used in speeches and it means to do good things not bad. I really do hope you like it.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Magnificent map of my school
This is the Map of my school. its not that big but if you go there its kinda big. I hope you like the picture.
Cool Character Profile
This is my character profile about a ghost scares people and then he gets scared of a witch and runs away it's really funny. I really hope you like it.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Awesome Anzac Day Comic
This is my Comic of the war New Zealand and Australia vs the British and the German.The New Zealand and the Australia they train hard and train to march I hope like it A lot.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Intimidating Native plants
this is my showing of the Native Plants on the poster I also did how we should interact what we should be doing in school. I think it shows you some of what we have been learning about in school.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Surprising Strategies
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
Awesome letter
This is my letter about waitangi and if I was there hope you like it.
6th feb 1840 Letter
Hi Mum and Dad
I've missed you this whole week because I've been at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I was with James Busby, Captain William Hobson, Reverend Henry Williams, Tamati Waaka Nênê and many many more people at the signing of the Treaty. There were lots of people at the signing. It was a really warm day here in New Zealand. We were up in the North Island at a place called Waitangi in the Bay of Islands.
The signing of the treaty was a whole document between the Maori and the British they agreed to be ruled by Queen Victoria. The Maori and the British didn’t understand each other’s language. There was a lot of confusion and discussions. English words translated into Maori didn’t mean the same thing to the Maori as they did to the English. Some words the Maori didn’t understand at all. It seemed to me that the Maori had to sign the Treaty or they wouldn’t be protected.
The Treaty was read out in English and Maori and then it was signed by some of the Maori chiefs and the important English people. Te Kemera Kaiteke was not happy with the Treaty and said he would not sign it. He wanted the English people to leave New Zealand. A lot of the Maori people couldn’t read or write so they signed the treaty with a mark.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Your loving son
Friday, March 12, 2021
Friday, March 5, 2021
Magnificent Maori conversations
This is my Maori conversations About Talking to each other in Maori. I hope you enjoy.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
How to make a Marvellous blog!
Step One you do a catchy title at the start of making a blog.
Step two you should do a good introduction.
Step three do a good description of good blog.
Step fore do a good conclusion.
And step five then at the last bit you should do a good question at the end.
A good blog is meant to make a good conversation with the readers and help people if you have made a slid show a google drawing and a doc it can help them and enjoy all the blog posts. You should do a really good comment and make sure you put in positive, thoughtful, helpful comments and don’t forget a question.
And I hope you enjoy my good Making a quality blog post and comment.